Pin a Day: Pesto Spaghetti with Roasted Tomatoes and Grilled Chicken
This week, I tried a new recipe that I really loved and has made great leftovers, as well. I made Pesto Spaghetti with Roasted Tomatoes and Grilled Chicken. This recipe was not necessarily quick or easy, but it was definitely tasty and will be one that I repeat again. I started by boiling my water for my pasta and grilling the chicken. I used my grill pan on the stove top and heated it up and added a little bit of olive oil. I used chicken tenders because I knew I had to cut the chicken up and that they would cook quicker. I had great luck my chicken that night and it grilled perfectly. I cooked my pasta and started halving my cherry tomatoes. I put the tomatoes on a baking sheet and drizzled them with olive oil and seasoned them with salt and pepper. I saved a little bit of the pasta water to add back to the pasta later. The next step was to make the pesto. I put basil, pine nuts, Parmesan cheese, and olive oil in the food processor and pulsed it until it was the right texture. The final step was to combine everything. I added the pesto to the spaghetti and added a little bit of the reserved pasta water to stretch the pesto. Next, I topped it off with the grilled chicken and tomatoes. We served it with extra Parmesan cheese and red pepper flakes and a side salad. This meal was delicious and made plenty of leftovers. I will definitely be enjoying this meal again this summer.