Dream Dinners: Buffalo Ranch Chicken
Last week was another busy week and Dream Dinners kept us fed again! Most of the meals I made last week were repeats of ones we’d tried and loved before, but I did finally get to try the Buffalo Ranch Chicken. It was a simple dish that we paired with some tots. I heated up my grill pan and removed the chicken from the marinade. I grilled the chicken for about 5-6 minutes on each side. Next, I added the glaze and sprinkled with Gorgonzola cheese, grilling the chicken for another minute. Once the cheese melted, it was ready to serve. The chicken was tasty, but I thought it would have been better with a little bit more buffalo flavor. I think in the future, I need to make sure to add plenty of buffalo sauce. I also might switch to a different type of cheese. All in all, this meal was pretty tasty and with a few modifications to our taste would be delicious. Another perk to Dream DInners is the ability to be able to change meals to your taste and I plan to take adavantage of that option next time I make this meal.