Dream Dinners: Herb Crusted Flank Steak
On Thursday, I made Herb Crusted Flank Steak. I was excited because I have really liked the Dream Dinners steaks so far, and I was told that this was one of the best one. I made a side of the Savory Roasted Cauliflower to go with the steak. For the steak, I started by removing it from the marinade and applying the herb rub to all sides. I let it rest at room temperature for about 30 minutes before I started cooking it. I heated up my grill pan and cooked the steak for about 8 minutes on each side. After it was done cooking, I let the steak rest about 5 minutes and Mike sliced it to eat. This was a delicious meal and I was glad that this steak only comes in the larger size, so we would be sure to have leftovers. The herb rub and marinade gave the steak a delicious flavor. We also enjoyed the steak tonight as tacos and there is still a little bit left that may get turned into nachos. I look forward to the next time this steak is on the menu.