Dream Dinners: Sweet Potato Puffs

While I have been very happy with all my Dream Dinners meals, I have had mixed feelings on the sides.  On Friday, we tried the Sweet Potato Puffs.  Admittedly, we do not really love sweet potatoes or sweet potato fries, but we thought we’d give these a try.  Also, I didn’t exactly follow the directions, so some of our dislike could be blamed on my direction following fails.  I was baking something else in the oven at the same time and decided to cook the puffs at a lower temperature, but for a longer amount of time.  Unfortunately, the puffs just weren’t as crispy as we might like.  The lack of crispness combined with the sweet potato flavor was not an overall win for this side.  I feel like this side had strikes against it from the beginning and I didn’t help by not cooking them according to directions.  In the future, I will try to follow directions on items a little bit closer, hopefully yielding in better results. 
