Dream Dinners: Chicken with Honey, Garlic, and Orange with Asian Vegetable Quinoa
We are still really enjoying the various Dream Dinners meals and its always exciting to try new foods without having to buy tons of groceries to make them. One of the meals we ate this week was the Chicken with Honey, Garlic, and Orange. I had some Asian Vegetable Quinoa that I’ve been saving that I decided to pair with the chicken. It was a good combination and I was super excited to eat the leftovers the next day, too. I put some olive oil in a skillet and heated it up. I added the chicken and cooked it for 5 minutes on each side. I then poured the sauce over the chicken and simmered it for about 3 minutes or so. While the chicken was cooking, I cooked the Asian Vegetable Quinoa in a separate skillet. Dinner was so tasty! The chicken was cooked perfectly and we loved the flavor. I really liked the chicken with the quinoa and had a recommendation from a customer to serve the chicken over a spinach salad, which also sounded excellent. So far, we have been really happy with our meals and love being able to try new foods without spending a ton of time or money doing it.