Pin a Day: Peppered Flank Steak and Salsa
I've really come to love steak since moving to a land of beef. My only problem is learning to make great steak at home. Formerly, I wouldn't touch raw meat, especially beef, but I've gotten over that fear. Now, I need to learn to cook steak that tastes great. I think a big part of this is choosing the right cut of meat. This recipe, Peppered Flank Steak and Salsa had me using a cut unfamiliar to me. Prepping the steak was easy, combining spices and rubbing them on the meat. The real challenge came in cooking it. I heated up my grill pan and panini press for a few minutes, added a little bit of olive oil and cooked the steak for about 7 minutes on each side. Meanwhile, I cooked some egg noodles (which are a new favorite of Cecil) and made the salsa from the recipe. The overall effort was great. The salsa tasted great on the steak and noodles. I really liked the salsa, it was mild and was great later with tacos. I enjoyed the flank steak, it had great flavor without a ton of fat. This is definitely a recipe I will be making again.