A Pin a Day: Crockpot Chicken Parmesan
After several vacations, I am finally ready to get back to normal life, which includes cooking and blogging. I'll be taking Mike to work 2 days a week in rush hour traffic now and we usually go once a week so I'll probably only cook about 4 times a week so there won't be new blogs every day, but it should be easier to manage once I'm all caught up. One day last week, I made Slow Cooker Chicken Parmigiana sandwiches. We had gotten all the ingredients we needed at Target. The only thing I was disappointed with was my bread selection. I was looking for a sturdy crusty roll and ended up with something better suited for a panini. The recipe was easy to prepare and cook. After cooking, the chicken was very easy to shred. We put chicken on the sliced bread and then sprinkled mozzarella on top. It was pretty goo, but very saucy and we felt like it would be better served on top of pasta than as a sandwich. It was a decent crockpot recipe and we will probably try it again.