A Pin a Day: Copycat Healthy Starbucks Frappuccinos
My love affair with coffee is a most recent one than that of many. I have only really liked it about 2 years and I still don't like my coffee black. I love the various blended and iced drinks now that summer is approaching, but I don't love the price tag that often comes with it. So, I searched until I found a recipe that would work for me. I liked this Healthy Copycat Starbucks Frappuccino because I didn't have to go to the store-it was all stuff that was already in my house. I even made my own modifications to make it healthier and enough for 2. I added a bit more coffee, ice, and used skim milk instead of almond milk. So when I was done, there was enough for Mike and I each to have 1.5 big cups full. We also skipped the whip and I added a little bit of caramel syrup to mine. Overall, they were pretty good, but it will not be an everyday thing.