Dream Dinners: American Sports Grille Steaks with Seasoned Onion Rings

Last Tuesday, I had an event at Springhill Suites to attend and Mike made dinner that was waiting for me when I got home.  I am thankful for day wonderful Dream Dinners meals that allow Mike and I to have simple, healthy dinners each night.  Mike started by preparing a pan and preheating the oven for the onion rings.  He sprayed them with cooking spray and baked them for 15 minutes on the top rack of the oven.  Then, he flipped them, sprayed them again, and sprinkled with salt, cooking another 10-15 minutes.  While the onion rings were cooking, he heated up the grill pan on the stove top and grilled the steaks for 5 minutes on each side, letting them rest before serving.  He also made some delicious Almond Green Beans.  These steaks were delicious!  I loved the seasoning on them.  I am not really big on onion rings, but these were pretty tasty and I always love green beans!  I look forward to trying these steaks again and I know that the meat could be repurposed for tacos or nachos, too.
