Sous Vide, Sous Chef
Thanks to our wonderful relatives at Christmas and the upgrade of my iPad, we had a chunk of change to spend on the 'Zon. We had narrowed it down to a toaster oven or a sous vide cooker. Mike let me made the final decision and it took me a bit to weigh my options. Eventually, I opted for the sous vide because I was more than a bit intrigued. In addition to the sous vide, we also ordered a food saver to vacume seal food. The sous vide we purchased is placed in a pot of water and heats the water to a desired temperature. Once the water is the right temperature, you add the vacume sealed food and cook for a period of time. The food cooks evenly and thoroughly.
The first food we opted to make was burgers. Mike made the patties the night before and sealed them with the food saver. Once the water got to 141, we placed the burgers in for 40 minutes. Then, Mike threw them on the grill for a minute to brown the outsides.
Our burgers turned out delicious. They were juicy and tender and perfectly cooked. Our first attempt at sous vide cooking was a success and we look forward to trying our sous vide with a variety of other foods.